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* I will create a free editing sample of one chapter or 2,000 words, but not for proofreading

* A deposit for 50% of the total amount via PayPal is due before work begins

* I also edit non-fiction books, particularly self-help




If in doubt of what service you need, send me a sample and I will guide you.


This is the most basic kind of editing. It's only recommended when your manuscript has already been edited. At this stage your manuscript is a final draft, and you want someone to catch small mistakes and typos before publishing.


* Corrects spelling, punctuation and basic grammar oversights

* Ensures consistency in spelling, hyphenation, numerals, fonts, and capitalization.


I find that it's often important to throw in some light line editing to root out:


* Words or sentences that are extraneous or overused

*  Run-on sentences

* Redundancies



FEE: .003/word

copy & LINE EDITing

I do a combination of copy and line editing.

Note that this is NOT proofreading but a more involved tackling of many different elements in the book.

This will involve working on:

* Words or sentences that are extraneous or overused

*  Run-on sentences

* Redundancies

* Dialogue or paragraphs that can be tightened

* Scenes where the action is confusing or the author's meaning is unclear 

* Tonal shifts and unnatural phrasing

 *  Changes that can be made to improve the pacing of a passage


* Plot points that are not resolved


* Consistency in spelling, hyphenation, numerals, fonts and capitalization 



THEREAFTER: .006/word

developmental editing

You will get a detailed feedback about your novel's plot, narrative, character development, dialogue and tone. This will come in the shape of a long report, as well as comments throughout the manuscript.

A good developmental editor will understand the author’s universe and enhance it by proposing new ideas wherever needed.

In this type of editing, I point out things that don't work and why, where the book lags, where characters need more dimension and whether the different acts of the story are clear and exciting for the reader.

At this stage, your story is still being developed and in its first draft.

After my report, you will probably make substantial changes to your book and it will need copy editing or final proofreading by me or another editor of your choice.

Copy editing and proofreading are not included in this fee.



THEREAFTER: .006/word

Second-draft read and report  (if needed by author): .003/word.


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